SOAH Student Spotlight - Abraham Adams


Abraham Abrams

In a world where access to affordable housing is a pressing concern, individuals like Abraham are stepping up to make a difference. Abraham's story is one of determination, learning, and seizing opportunities as he navigates the dynamic field of affordable housing and property management.

Abraham's journey began when he enrolled in the School of Affordable Housing's Property Management Certification course. With no prior knowledge of affordable housing or property management, he embarked on this educational path with a keen eagerness to understand how he could contribute to addressing the fundamental need for housing in his community.

As Abraham delved into the coursework, he was pleasantly surprised by the eye-opening nature of the affordable housing sector. Despite his lack of previous experience, his background in dental billing equipped him with a strong foundation in calculations, allowing him to quickly grasp the numerical aspects of the course.

Abraham's educational journey took a significant turn when he was assigned Michelle Sites, the VP of Conam and the visionary behind the School of Affordable Housing, as his mentor. Michelle's expertise and guidance provided Abraham with invaluable insights into the industry. In preparation for his meetings with Michelle, Abraham explored Conam online and discovered a job opening for a Leasing Professional.

Despite still being a student, Abraham decided to apply for the Leasing Professional position. His newfound skills from the affordable housing course proved instrumental during the interview process, ultimately leading to a job offer. Abraham officially joined Conam on October 5th, marking the beginning of a transformative chapter in his career.

Abraham attributes his success in the role to the practical skills he acquired during the affordable housing course. Beyond calculations and technical know-how, the course taught him essential qualities such as patience, understanding, and thoroughness, particularly in interactions with residents.

In just a few months on the job, Abraham has left a lasting impact on both residents and service provider staff. Described as extremely well-liked and approachable, he has forged strong connections within the community.

Abraham is enthusiastic about continuing to strengthen his skills and is set to graduate from the Affordable Housing Property Management course in December. He harbors ambitious aspirations, aiming to work his way up the ranks to become a Community Manager.

Abraham's remarkable journey from a newcomer to the affordable housing field to a Leasing Professional underscore the transformative power of The School of Affordable Housing Program. His story is not just one of personal triumph but a beacon of inspiration for those eager to make a difference in affordable housing and property management.

We invite you to be a catalyst for change and support our School of Affordable Housing Program. Your contribution has the power to directly impact the lives of individuals like Abraham, who are striving to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to address the pressing need for affordable housing in our communities.

As we approach the end of the year, we ask you to consider a contribution to the San Diego housing Federation. Your support during our end-of-year campaign will have a lasting impact on the lives of individuals navigating their journey in affordable housing education.

Isabella AndersonComment