Home Is… Creating Change through Collaboration
Much of San Diego Housing Federation’s work is accomplished through committees and work groups which are open to all members. These groups of volunteers and their staff liaisons provide analysis, ideas, and recommendations that are forwarded to the Board of Directors. Frequently, they are tasked with implementing recommendations as well. All Members and staff of member organizations are encouraged to participate in San Diego Housing Federation Committees.
The Policy Committee assists in developing and implementing San Diego Housing Federation’s local, state, and federal policy positions. The Committee also monitors affordable housing programs, local land-use policies, and state and local legislation.
The Committee meets monthly on the second Wednesday of the month from 9 am to 10:30 am. The Board relies on this Committee to vet and recommend policy positions which are forwarded to the Board of Directors for final approval.
On December 21, 2016, the Board of Directors of the San Diego Housing Federation adopted a charter for the SDHF Policy Committee. The purpose of the charter is to establish a formal structure for the committee and a consistent voting membership.
The Policy Committee is a standing Committee of the Board of Directors and responsible to the Board of Directors.
2023 Co-Chairs
Diep Do, California Housing Partnership
Josh Land, Lument
voting COMMITTEE members
Chris Arthur, Eden Housing
Courtney Baltiyskyy, YMCA of San Diego County
Rickie Brown, Hollywood Palms Apartments, City Heights CDC
Leilani Hines, City of Oceanside
Tara Mathews, RSG, Inc.
John Seymour, National CORE
Kuni Stearns, HEAL Network
Jeannette Temple, Atlantis Group Land Use Consultants
Jenny van der Hyde, San Diego Housing Commission
Schlagel Zachary, PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)
Dante Golden, Senior Policy Director
The Development Committee works closely with staff to develop and implement a fundraising plan, including membership outreach and retention, that identifies the primary audiences for the organization, how best to reach them, and what they most care about. The committee monitors the presentation of the organization’s brand and ensures that the products, services, events, and programs of the organization remain relevant to the audience.
The role of the development committee is to ensure that the organization’s total development program is in concert with the organization’s strategic direction and needs. The committee serves as the mechanism by which board members and other volunteers are involved in the fundraising process.
The development committee is charged with focusing the organization and its board on fundraising and the creation and implementation of recruitment and retention programs to increase and maintain membership with social and educational programs and events and community engagement. This includes constant attention to the strength of the mission and case for support, the organization’s accountability, the involvement of constituencies with the institution, the resources required to carry out the mission, plans for soliciting the needed private funds, fundraising involvement, and the demonstration of good stewardship.
The Development Committee is a standing Committee of the Board of Directors and is responsible to the Board of Directors. The Committee meets monthly TBD.
The Fundraising & Events Committee is responsible for overseeing and leading the Federation’s annual fundraising activities. Duties include:
Working with the staff to create, review, and monitor a multi-faceted annual strategy for contributed revenue from individuals, organizations, foundations, and events
Designing and overseeing fundraising events including creating and reviewing event budgets and collaborating with staff on corporate outreach/sponsorship, ticket sales, etc.
Creating an annual Ruby Awards Committee to solicit nominations and sponsorships and a separate Selection Committee to determine award recipients
Determining a Board-wide strategy for assisting with fundraising, and defining the role of committee members and Board members in achieving those goals
Conceptualizing mixers, member events, and annual holiday party
2023 Chair
Michelle Pranger, Director of Development
Sarah Buchanan, Executive Vice President
The Education Committee participates in planning the educational programming for the organization including Roundtables and the Annual Conference. The committee meets TBD.
The Education Committee would be responsible for:
Designing the educational content of the Roundtable Series, including sourcing content proposals, determining themes of the events, panel speakers, and moderators
Designing the educational content of the Annual Conference, including sourcing content proposals, determining themes of the events, keynote speakers, panel speakers, and moderators
Supporting the coordination of monthly Roundtables, including identifying and reaching out to proposed speakers, and marketing calls for proposals for the Annual Conference
Being knowledgeable of the training programs including but not limited to RSSN, RUN, HEAL, SHLN, as well as the topics of the SDRAFFH Fair Housing Conference to ensure that education across programs is complimentary and not duplicative
2023 Co-Chairs
Diep Do, California Housing Partnership
Kwofi Reed, San Diego Habitat for Humanity
Committee Members
Diana Bustos, City Heights CDC
Elaine Camuso, Wakeland Housing and Development Jessica Captanis, WNC
Jonathan Castillo, PATH
Nicki Cometa, Affirmed Housing
Laura Ann Fernea, Legal Aid Society of San Diego
Adam Gutteridge, Chelsea Investment Corporation
Matt Grosz, RedStone Equity
Nick Hamilton, Lument
Lisa Huff, Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation
Eri Kameyama, Chase
Bernie Miles, CSH
Heather Pollock-Averick, Affirmed Housing
Simonne Ruff, CSH
Charles “Chuck” Sinkey, US Bank
Bree Wong, PCL Construction Services, Inc.
Michelle Pranger, Director of Development
Dante Golden, Senior Policy Director
Interested in Joining a Committee?
To sign up for a committee or if you have questions regarding other volunteer opportunities, please contact Sarah Buchanan, Chief Operating Officer.