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Featured Organizations

San Diego Housing Federation is a Nonprofit Membership Association and Advocacy Organization. Since 1990 SDHF has been the collective voice of those who support, build, and finance affordable housing in the San Diego region. San Diego Housing Federation creates affordable housing opportunities for low-income people by expanding the knowledge, capacity, and influence of the affordable housing development community. In addition to our advocacy work, the SDHF offers professional training, networking opportunities, and provides resources for housing policy advocates.

We are not a leasing office, and we do not provide any housing placement or services in San Diego. For information, help with housing, or answers to your questions, please refer to the below organizations.

SECTION 8 Housing

City of San Diego: San Diego Housing Commission
(619) 231-9400

112 Broadway
Suite 300
San Diego, CA 92101

For Emergency Housing: Contact 2-1-1

Housing Justice Collaborative


For more information visit the website at:


Tenant Legal Center
 (858) 571-7100

For more information visit the website at:  


Renters Law Line

(858) 571-1166

For more information visit the website at:


Veterans Guide

For more information visit the website at:


Legal Aid Societyof San Diego, Inc.

(877) 534-2524

For more information visit the website at:



Fair Housing Council of San Diego

(619) 699-5888

For more information visit the website at:


Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is affordable housing?

According to the federal government, housing is “affordable” if it costs no more than 30% of the monthly household income for rent and utilities. If your household income is $60,000 a year, you should pay no more than $1,500 monthly for your mortgage or rent and utilities. If you are in a sales job, making $12.00 an hour, you should be paying no more than $624 dollars a month in rent and utilities. Every community needs to offer a wide range of housing opportunities for the diverse populations that live and work there.

+ What are the benefits to affordable housing?

There are many benefits such as:

  • Providing housing for the local workforce, especially lower wage earners
  • Revitalizing distressed areas
  • Directing economic benefits to the local community, such as increased jobs and sales taxes
  • Reducing traffic and improving air quality
  • Promoting economic and social integration while building community
  • Avoiding unnecessary, costly public expenditures by providing stable living situations for homeless people and people with special needs.

+ Who lives in affordable housing?

Affordable Housing is reserved for people making 60% of the area’s average monthly income. They are people that you interact with everyday, including teachers, nurses, restaurant staff, and maintenance workers, who may be struggling to find and maintain housing that is affordable based upon their wages.

+ Who does affordable housing serve?

Affordable housing serves the most vunerable members of our community. It may be designed for families, veterans, formerly homeless people, and more.

+ How can I get involved?

+ What is the role SDHF plays in the community?

We advocate for more affordable housing in our community through education and outreach as well as supporting important programs and legislation that will improve the housing environment as well as the lives of the residents of San Diego.

+ How many members do we have and what do they do?

Our 140+ members include the full spectrum of housing practitioners, including non-profit housing developers of all scopes and sizes, for-profit developers, housing advocates, local governments, financial institutions and environmental and faith-based groups. While extremely diverse, our supporters share a singular passion for making the San Diego area a more affordable and equitable place to live.

+ Can the Federation provide me with housing?

No, we are a membership organization that advocates for more affordable housing in San Diego County. We are not a developer or property owner. For assistance finding an affordable home, please contact the San Diego Housing Commission.

+ How can I help advocate for more affordable housing in my community?

Sign up to receive news and updates from SDHF, which include action alerts and other calls for action. Talk to your representatives and let them know that affordable housing is a priority for you as a constituent. You can also become a member of SDHF here and gain access to helpful tools, access to member events and networking opportunities within diverse membership base.