Times of San Diego: San Diego Advances Two Ballot Proposals to Deal with Homeless Epidemic SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 12, 2018Comment
Fox 5: City Council committee advances homelessness ballot proposals SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 12, 2018Comment
Press Release: SDHF Bond Proposal Moves Forward for City Council Consideration Press Releases, SDHF in the NewsCharles CornaireJuly 11, 2018Comment
KPBS: San Diego Council Committee to Consider Ballot Measure Proposals SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 11, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: The Other, Other Homelessness Measure That Could Be Headed to November's Ballot SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 11, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: Convention Center Measure is in the Registrar's Hands Now SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 11, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: A Major Piece of Faulconer’s Housing Plan Is on Hold SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJuly 5, 2018Comment
San Diego Union-Tribune: Progress is hard to come by in San Diego's fight against homelessness SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 26, 2018Comment
San Diego Union-Tribune: New incentive aims to spur construction of housing for middle-income residents SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 26, 2018Comment
SDMetro: Council Committee moves forward on ballot measure for affordable housing SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 22, 2018Comment
Business Wire: More than 50 grants awarded to commemorate 50th anniversary of Fair Housing Act, honor advocates SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 22, 2018Comment
KUSI: San Diego City Council moves forward on affordable housing initiative SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 21, 2018Comment
LA Times: $900M housing bond still alive, but now a fallback option SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 21, 2018Comment
ABC 10 News: Concerns rise over having two tax hikes on ballot SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 15, 2018Comment
San Diego Free Press: Rich People Follies: A Refund for Issa, the Billionaire Ballot Measure, and a Badass Convention Center SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 15, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: Morning Report: New Cash for Housing in San Diego SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 15, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: Is the November Ballot Big Enough for Two Homelessness Measures? SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 13, 2018Comment
Voice of San Diego: Hotel-Tax Supporters Want Housing Bond Backers to Stand Down Until 2020 SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananJune 13, 2018Comment
New Report Shares Data on the Housing Emergency and Recommends Solutions SDHF in the News, ReportsGuest UserMay 21, 2018Report, Housing Needs, California Housing PartnershipComment
KPBS: San Diego Housing Pinch Linked to Redevelopment Loss SDHF in the NewsSarah BuchananMay 21, 2018Comment